New Fantage Update

Is anyone else missing stuff in their inventory? Jessica and I were doing a Fashion Show together (I was hosting) and it was the match round (last round). Jessica said her yellow hat was gone! Later when we got back into the lobby I wanted to take off my bunny nose but I couldn’t find it! I used to have five pages in my inventory but now I have two! Fantage MUST fix this glitch! I can’t take off bunny nose! 😦

I hope Fantage is working to fix this! For a second I thought I got hacked but I remembered Trade n’ Sell is gone! Unless the person sold all my stuff at Lucky Bob’s! ll Facepalm ll

Anyone else craving hot chocolate?  Btw who else wants the weekend to last forever! I hate Mondays! Lets get our views up!


Hi! Whoa WordPress is sooo much different then Blogger! This is only a TEST though….. Jess and I are excited! 🙂